Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fire and Ice

How do you choose between two extremes? Alaska and Hawaii dominated our conversations. We collected travel brochures, and went to the library. Inevitably Kirk would become convinced that Hawaii was the place to go just as I had settled on Alaska as ideal. Luckily my sister-in-law came to the rescue; she's a native Hawaiian. 'Are you crazy? Do NOT send your howlie kids to Hawaiian schools!' Decision made.

It helped that total strangers on base would hear that we were probably heading to Alaska and would immediately give us their name, contact information, bank number... anything if only we could help them get back up North.

Kirk was honor grad - top of his class. We all got to go to the ceremony. There's a bit of a tradition - how old I don't know - that each graduating class steals a ceiling tile and decorates it. The class had chosen their theme, and I put the tile together with real accessories. I'm not sure if they're all still up there, but if you ever get a chance to visit the intel school in San Angelo, you can easily find Kirk's class tile. They're the one's who were Going Postal.

ETA - Okay, not the best digital effort ever, and not even truly accurate. Basically I remember bullets and a post office envelope and that's about it! But the title stuck with me for some reason...


Anonymous said...

Any photos? Love to see one of this!

Megan said...

Sadly, no. In fact, I'm not sure what the security level is on that room so I don't know who is allowed to admire all the creative work up there. However, if I have a moment I'll see if I can recreate it through the miracle of Photoshop!

... assuming I can remember what it looked like...