Monday, May 14, 2007

It's Monday, All Day

I had to work Saturday, because my job about-which-I-shall-not-blog has a distinct seasonality and one of the more important seasonal bits was that weekend. Normally I'm not tagged to go to these things, being a virtual person and all that, but it was barrel scraping time so off I went. I did scare them by showing up in a red t-shirt and jeans, but after doing my part of the non-digital manual labor I nipped up and changed so as not to let down the side. I don't think it was necessary for quite so many people to comment (with surprise and amazement) that I "clean up really well!"

The trouble with working Saturday is it makes Monday come along too quickly, and when it does arrive it feels off somehow, all day long. I feel a little like one of the Children who, having borrowed my boots, had been grumbling for hours about how they didn't feel quite right, and then suddenly announced "oh! I have them on the wrong feet!"

I think I have my Monday on the wrong feet.


Anonymous said...

the boot child has a problem with tater tots too, child was eating one, and tater tot went right down the front of said child's shirt. in front of child's crush.

Megan said...

Catsupped or non-catsupped? Because one can be retrieved pretty easily, while the other...

Anonymous said...

non-catsupped, but crumbly, greasy and crisp!!!