Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year

Hmmmm.... I've gotten enough emails that I think I have to post!

I'm still here, still checking comments and (eventually - I didn't have internet access over the holidays) posting the ones that were actual comments and not advertisements for pyramid schemes or dodgy plans to enhance body parts I don't actually have.

I'm not sure what happens next. There have been a few requests to go on with the story, but since it sort of ceases to be Kirk's story and (inevitably) becomes my own, I'm not quite sure what to do about that.

But thanks for the emails and the warm thoughts. We'll just have to figure things out as they happen.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Please go on. You and your children are part of Kirk. All that happens after Kirk's story ends, is still Kirk's story.

Anonymous said...

you could start a new blog, all about what happened after. unless you are cliff hanging.

Megan said...

Oh heavens - no, no intention of cliff hanging! golly... best write another post now...

Anonymous said...

Yes, write now