Monday, May 12, 2008

Me Day

Kirk knew I was a little grim about mother's day. I didn't want flowers, I didn't want to be taken out for brunch and I didn't want a store-bought card celebrating the fact that I had successfully bred. I did accept the various candle holders/flower pots/pencil jars that inevitably wandered home from school around this time of year, but that was because my Children are School Craft Geniuses and I am an art lover.

So one year Kirk came up with his solution to the problem. Mother's day we would loftily ignore as per my request. However the day AFTER that he declared to be My Name Day, a day totally unrelated to fruitful loins or successful lack of infanticide. A day on which he could take me out to dinner without hearing me snark about Hallmark holidays. A day he could give me a gift just. for. me.

The very first year he presented me with a circular saw proving just how well he knew me.

There hasn't really been much attention payed around these parts to mother's days or My Name Days. It's hard to really feel festive when you're the one who has to do the planning and the shopping. However, this year I did it. I went out and bought the super wonderful, lots of button bearing, two lens including Box Of Camera Delightfulness that I have been lusting after for lo these many years.

Happy Me Day.

God knows we all need it.


Anonymous said...

well done you!

Allison said...

Details -- what kind of camera? Happy You Day, and good for you!

Megan said...

Oh! You want me to talk about my camera?? I can do that! I can! I can! It is one of these and it is sitting in its nifty black bag (with lots of pockets because pockets are cool) and it is so very very nice! Also it happened to be purchased just in time to take graduation pictures of Child 1!! More details to follow...

Anonymous said...

Happy You Day.

Anonymous said...

and now she stalks me around the house hoping to get one of numerous snaps of my gormless face caught in a strange face. (words mom doesn't know i know.)